Community and partners update

Community & Partners Update

Hidden Heroes Interviews:

On Monday 8th March, to mark International Woman’s day we launched our Instagram live series: Hidden Heroes, which was developed to celebrate women in our Community and the inspiring work they are doing. We kickstarted the series with interviews with some of the  Hidden Heroes within our organisation, it was a really lovely inspiring session and we are looking forward to the conversations that will take place over the next couple of weeks with the amazing women that we have lined up.
Next week on Monday 15th March at 7pm,  we will be interviewing three very dynamic women in the community via instagram live, tune in for some interesting and inspiring conversations.

Instagram page is:

Denise Scott-Mcdonald:
Deputy Leader of the Royal Borough of Greenwich Council and Cabinet Member for Employment & Skills 

Miriam Donaghy:
CEO of Charity,Mums Aid

Ronke Lawal:
CEO of PR and Communications Agency Ariatu PR 
Below is the link to Mondays interview with staff:  Augustina Guobadia, Paula Jackson and Dawn Thorne and one of our volunteers Jane Ruthvern.

Hidden Heroes: Episode 1-Interviews with staff and volunteer

 Volunteering with Home-Start Greenwich

At the heart of Home-Start service provision is the belief that parents play the key role in giving their children the best start in life and that other parents have the experience and understanding to support those families who need help. Therefore providing volunteer support is at the heart of everything we do. We don’t only have volunteers that visit families but also volunteers that help to run Children Centre sessions, social activities and events; help us to fundraise and also those that volunteer as Trustees to help us to shape our organisation and manage our work.

Volunteering not only adds value to our organisation and benefits the families that that we support but is also beneficial to the volunteer because it provides them with a sense of a purpose, helps them to develop new skills, build on their experiences and make a difference in the community. Below we have posted a video on volunteering which gives you even more of an insight into the benefits of volunteering from 3 different perspectives.

If you are interested in volunteering with Home-Start Greenwich you can download an application form from our website or email


Watch this amazing video about Volunteering
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*|Community & Partnerships Team|*

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