Plumstead Children’s Centre
6 Purrett Road Plumstead SE18 1JW
Where to find us
Plumstead Children’s Centre also offers childcare places in the Plumstead Day Nursery located within the Children’s Centre. The nursery is run by Home-start Greenwich and supports families with children under 5 and therefore have a wealth of experience in the welfare of young children. Home-start Greenwich took over the nursery in September 2016 and we continue to make improvements to the service we provide and will continue to do so.
We are also very accessible by public transport links and provide a happy safe environment where children can play, grow, learn and be themselves.
Offering year round care and have space for 56 children and attendance can be on a full week or full day basis. We are also happy to take children who are eligible for Early Years funding. Since September 2017 we have incorporated the 30 hours free funding into our nursery offer.
If you are interested in a place for your child or want further information, please contact them on 020 8317 6960

Additional Activities & Course Information
Get involved in our wide range of activities!
Specific Children’s Centre Support
Children’s Centres offer support to families within our area in a variety of ways. All families go through some difficult times and our service understands that we can play a part in empowering mothers, fathers and carers in their role as parents. We can signpost you to services which you may wish to access. We can offer you one to one support with various issues. If you have concerns about anything please talk to our staff.
The Parents Forum is made up of parents who want to get involved with the Children’s Centre which they normally attend. There are opportunities to have your say regarding activities and events which take place at the centres. If you would like to get involved please contact the Children’s Centre which is closest to you.
We want you to come and enjoy the activities at our centres, we know the challenges of getting children ready and the logistics of getting anywhere, please call us if you are running late and please let us know how we can help.
More than one? Don’t be put off by the age ranges, it can be difficult to attend a class not designed to meet all your children’s needs, do not be put off, we are here to help and can accommodate most requests.
Contact us on:
Activity Costs
Our activities are mostly free however some activities require a fee to be paid in full on the first day of your course/activity.
The prices are as follows:
Stay and Plays a charge of 50 pence per family per session
Some courses have a cost and this information will be on the course leaflet. Concessions are available.
Some course Bookings are payable in advance for the whole course which would be a one off or a term.
No fee will be payable for any of our Health Services for example the Midwife Clinic, Developmental Checks, Health Visitor Clinic and Breastfeeding Support Group. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Crèche Places
Some crèches will have a small attendance charge but most are free. Please check course leaflet.
If you or your child are unable to attend due to illness or an emergency please contact us. Places are forfeited for the remainder of the course if no contact to cancel your place is made.
Volunteering Opportunities
Anyone interested in volunteering either as a home-visiting volunteer for Homestart Greenwich or in the Children’s Centres to support services please contact us admin:
020 8317 4298 or email:
Community partnerships, donations and fundraising
Community partnerships, donations and fundraising
Useful Links
Social Media
Website Crafted Pixelbricks Design in London | Powered by Purple Cloud IT | Home-start Website Design Specialists
Home-Start Greenwich
School House
Whitworth Road
SE18 3QA
Registered Charity no. 1189897
Registered Company no. 08676376
Social Media
Website Crafted Pixelbricks Design in London | Powered by Purple Cloud IT | Home-start Website Design Specialists